


Implementation of Comprehensive ERP

This service is mostly targeted at SMEs because they lack dedicated IT workers. Here, our business consultants assist with the installation by first identifying the motivations behind the ERP, setting targets, and project managing the definition of the system, its implementation, data migration, and training.

Two important elements in this approach are

the lead consultants work with the "project champion", previously identified by the client, and give him the authority to be the catalyst for change within the customer team and source of feedback from the user community. The process involves the client throughout the implementation with demo and feedback requests.

Following implementation, Promantia continues to be involved by offering support, solution upkeep, etc.


Enterprise Partnerships

Larger businesses with specialized IT teams hire Promantia to perform all or some of these tasks as part of the process of implementing their business systems.

Participate in the comparison of options, perform, or support product evaluation.

Create a blueprint outlining the functional solution in comparison to their needs.

Complete the project for product implementation. The implementation process is iterative, with weekly or biweekly releases to a customer testing environment, where the features are demonstrated and altered based on feedback from the customer.

Complete or co-complete sub-projects involving data migration and integration with the customer IT team.

Ability of the client team to improve the solution and to provide internal level 1 assistance for other workers


Preservation and Assistance

Customers of large deployments that require a professional team to take over and maintain their implementation in an affordable manner should use this. This involves executing initiatives to expand the use of the product or integrate it with other systems, performing upgrades to the core product, and providing support for the production deployment. In addition to providing functional and technical support for the product, support services can also provide infrastructure support for servers that may be located in a data center or the cloud.


Project Execution

This is for customers who already have an ERP deployment in place and wish to carry out particular initiatives to expand its functionalities. Building mobile front-end solutions for the ERP, creating a data-warehouse with information from the ERP and other systems, and offering system integration are some of the projects that Promantia has already completed. Promantia provides free one-year warranty support for bug fixes along with fixed fee and T&M based project bids for such engagements.


Implementation Rescue

Rescue engagements for implementations that have stagnated or aren't fulfilling customer expectations are also carried out by Promantia. An audit is typically the first step in a rescue engagement, after which a situation evaluation and recommendations are given. The next step is to give the customer a delivery plan that they can count on, harvest any already partially created features, and then carry out the plan as a project.


Cafgia, a company that develops custom websites, is concerned with producing websites that are competitive, appealing to customers, perfectly designed, and with simple navigation. With a talented workforce that is always adaptable and aggressive, we bring our knowledge and power to every level of development.

Managers of Business Analyst Engagement and Delivery

Project managers, supervisors of teams, and software engineers

Agile project management enables daily team communication, flexible development, and productive work every day.


Although the methodology is customized for each engagement, taking into account the scope and priority of the engagement, the risk and risk addressing techniques, the client preferences, geography, etc., there are several guiding principles that are typically applicable for all engagements.

Recognize the customer's business context, which is what is driving the project, and establish project goals with the customer that are connected to those goals.

When a product does not completely satisfy a requirement, choose for alternatives that require minimal initial creation before gradually automating or customizing in a stepwise manner.

Create a solution blueprint that is reviewed by both parties throughout the analysis phase and is then used as the foundation for implementation.

Consider dividing the strategy for larger engagements into releases that are deployed to production over a period of no more than three to four months.

Execute the configuration/customization during the implementation period in a series of 1-2 week sprints, following which a customer demo is completed and feedback is gathered.